martes 21 de enero de 2025
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Why SADC is focusing on the DRC security situation

Harare (The Herald): The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is meeting in Harare for the Extraordinary Heads of State and Government Summit, started in Harare to primarily address the security situation in the Republic of Congo (DRC) and review the Sadc Mission in the DRC (Samidrc).

Brasil: Golpistas detenidos son altos mandos del Ejército

Rio de Janeiro (Agencia Brasil): Al comentar la Operación Contragolpe lanzada por la Policía Federal, el ministro de la Secretaría de Comunicación Social de la Presidencia, Paulo Pimenta, afirmó que el plan para asesinar al presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, al vicepresidente Geraldo Alckmin y al juez de la Corte Suprema Alexandre de Moraes estuvo peligrosamente cerca de materializarse. 

Haiti: Humanitarian flights resume

Port au Prince (Haiti Libre): The United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) has resolved regulatory issues and will resume flights on Wednesday, November 20. UNHAS provides passenger and light cargo transportation in Haiti for the entire humanitarian community, including local and international NGOs and UN entities.

Most observers regarded the elections as peaceful

Maputo (AIM): The Mozambican government has claimed that the majority of the 25,000 national observers and the about 500 foreign observers regarded the general elections held on 9 October as calm and peaceful.