viernes 18 de octubre de 2024
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UNSC resolution on Gaza must be substantive, not symbolic

GENEVA, March 26 (WAFA) UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, said the UNSC resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza must be substantive, not symbolic. “The people of Gaza must be allowed to live.”

UNICEF Spokesperson James Elder said that Gaza has shattered humanity’s records for its darkest chapters. “Humanity must now urgently write a different chapter.”

There is an existing old crossing point, Erez, that could be used and is located only 10 minutes away from those facing famine, he said, adding: «Ten minutes. Open that and we could turn this humanitarian crisis in the north around in a matter of days. But it remains closed,” he added.

He said that between 1-22 March, one-quarter of 40 humanitarian aid missions to northern Gaza were denied.

“Let’s be clear: Lifesaving aid is being obstructed. Lives are being lost. Dignity is being denied.” “The deprivation, the forced desperation, means despair pervades the population. And people’s nerves are shattered amid unrelenting attacks,” he added.

“The unspeakable is regularly said in Gaza. From teenage girls hoping they are killed; to being told a child is the last survivor from their entire family. Such horror is no longer unique here.”

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