The Conference on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy in Africa
Addis Ababa (African Union): The African Union, in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef), hosted the Foundational Learning Conference under the theme “Inclusive Education: Ensuring No Child is Left Behind.”
Africa: strategies to boost social development and ethical employment
Addis Ababa (AU) Government ministers and over 300 experts from across Africa are meeting in the Ethiopian capital during the Fifth Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Social Development, Labor, and Employment (STC-SDLE-5), to discuss, evaluate, and endorse strategies aimed at boosting social development, labor, and ethical employment.
Africa Blue Economy Week
Addis Ababa (African Union): Africa’s vast coastline and rich marine resources are ripe for transformative economic and social development. Yet, challenges such as environmental degradation, overexploitation and infrastructure deficits hinder this potential.