miércoles 12 de marzo de 2025
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Confronting monopolies, both in real life and on the internet

Editorial (Brasil de Fato): For 22 years, Brasil de Fato has been denouncing the injustices of monopolies and inequality. Their mere existence is violent enough, but in times of capitalist crisis, empires target land, natural resources, and the working class to maintain their growing profits.

Brics representatives support joint statement on climate

Brasil de Fato (BdF) March 1, 2025, Brasilia (BdF): The first meeting of BRICS representatives, the so-called “sherpas”, concluded in Brasilia, Brazil’s capital, after two days of discussions. Brazil has held the rotating presidency of the bloc since January.

Global South countries launch Hague Group against Israeli crimes in Palestine

Havana (Brail de Fato): International law is going through one of the most serious crises since the Second World War. The crimes against humanity that Israel has been committing against the Palestinian people and the enormous impunity it benefits from, demonstrate the dangers that the whole world faces in defending human rights.

Embajada de Israel «facilitó fuga» de soldado israelí investigado en Brasil, denuncia

Brasil de Fato Enero 6. 2025, Brasilia (Brasil de Fato): La Federación Árabe Palestina (Fepal) afirmó que la embajada de Israel violó la soberanía nacional brasileña y actuó para facilitar la fuga del soldado de las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel (FDI), Yuval Vagdani, quien estaba en Morro de São Paulo (BA) y fue identificado por la Fundación Hind Rajab (HRF), que trabaja denunciando crímenes contra palestinos.