viernes 20 de septiembre de 2024
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Caricom’s Group of Eminent Persons in Haiti to mediate in crisis

Port Au Prince (T&T Guardian) The authorities in Haiti welcomed the Group of Eminent Persons (GPE) of the Caribbean Community (Caricom), composed of the former Prime Ministers: Kenny Anthony of Saint Lucia, Bruce Golding of Jamaica and Perry Christie of the Bahamas, who will all mediate in the crisis gripping this French Speaking Caricom member state.

Bloquean entrega de carta a Embajada de EEUU en apoyo a Cuba

Puerto España (Digital Guardian): El secretario general del Movimiento Sindical Unido (JTUM), Ozzi Warwick, dijo que los reiterados llamamientos de organizaciones locales para que Estados Unidos levanten el embargo contra Cuba no son en vano.