viernes 18 de octubre de 2024
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Cuba: 26 years of selfless cooperation (assessment)

HaitiLibre: The Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Minrex) recalled in a statement that Cuba brought its solidarity and selfless cooperation to Haiti in areas of great impact for its people such as public health, education, agriculture, sports, energy, water resources and other key areas for the social and economic stability of the country.

Some 448,550 Haitians were made literate thanks to Cuban programs and 1,606 young people were trained in our universities.
«Our country has continuously maintained, since 1998, a brigade of health professionals and technicians alongside the Haitian people, who with their humanist and altruistic work, have treated more than 38 million cases (38,580,215), performed 774,236 surgical operations and 73,331 ophthalmological interventions as part of ‘Operation Miracle’ assisted 204,090 births, administered 1,014,806 doses of vaccines and saved 252,433 lives.

This cooperation has been maintained even in this country’s most difficult times, including the foreign intervention of 2004, the earthquakes of 2010 and 2021, the cholera epidemics and the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the current situation.
The brotherly Haitian people can always count on the united support of Cuba.»

HaitiLibre recalled, in an 2020, article that Cuban medical specialists in Haiti have revived the «Operación Milagros» (Operation Miracles), one of the flagship programs of the Haiti-Cuba bilateral collaboration, which has restored vision to nearly 72,000 Haitians.

Note that this program, which was specially designed for vulnerable people, unable to afford consultations and surgeries, was forced to suspend its humanitarian activities due to the socio-political crisis in Haiti, it added.    This humanitarian project, which was designed by the late revolutionary leaders Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez, helped improve or restore vision to more than 6 million low-income people in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa.

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