martes 11 de marzo de 2025
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First Media Conference in Solidarity with Saharawi People

Wilaya of Boujdour (SPS): The First Media Conference in Solidarity with the Sahrawi People was launched on Thursday in the Wilaya of Boujdour, in the Sahrawi refugee camps, amidst a large official, national, and international media presence.

The conference began with a welcoming speech by the Secretary-General of the Sahrawi Women’s Union, Ms. Shaba Seini, in which she highlighted the importance of the conference in raising awareness about the just cause of the Sahrawi people through significant international participation.

The speaker praised the prominent female presence, affirming the Sahrawi state’s attention to the leading role of Sahrawi women, emphasizing that the cause is an inheritance for future generations, for which the precious Sahrawi people have sacrificed.

   For his part, Mr. Nafei Ahmed Mohamed, the Secretary-General of the Union of Sahrawi Journalists and Writers, stated that the conference is as important as any other conference advocating for the Sahrawi cause, with the aim of establishing an international media alliance to defend the rights of the Sahrawi people.

Mr. Bashir Ismaili, representing the occupied territories, called for unity and confronting the conspiracies of the Moroccan enemy, which was evident through the participation of a delegation from the occupied territories of Western Sahara in the conference.

Ms. MaalumaLarabas, in charge of research and studies at the Political Organization Secretariat, highlighted that the conference coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Polisario Front, as well as the 50th anniversary of the General Union of Workers of Saguiael-Hamra and Rio de Oro.

The speaker called on media professionals to engage in in-depth discussions on the national cause in order to draw conclusions and recommendations for its defense and international recognition.

The event witnessed the honoring of the late journalist, minister, and diplomat, Mohammed-Fadel Ismail.

The conference included discussion sessions on the first and second day, focusing mainly on the political and diplomatic status of the Sahrawi issue, field developments after November 13 and their humanitarian and human rights consequences, the issue of Western Sahara (treatments from the perspective of international humanitarian law, the legal battle and the file of natural resources as an example).

   Likewise, the contribution of creativity in journalistic work and mechanisms for conveying the media message, the human rights situation in Western Sahara and the media blockade and its confrontation, hostile propaganda and the risks of cyber-attacks and ways of protection, current issues and crises and double standards, the experience of media work in the Sahrawi Republic and ways of accompanying it and networking solidarity journalistic work, modern communication techniques and content creation.

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Sahara Press Service

Sahara Press Service

Sahara Press Service (SPS) es la agencia oficial de la República Árabe Saharaui Democrática, con sede en Chahid El Hafed (Campamentos de Refugiados Saharauis). Fue creada el 29 de marzo 1999 para dar a conocer la actualidad del conflicto del Sáhara Occidental, antigua colonia española que, sería invadida y ocupada por Marruecos en octubre de 1975. Los despachos en francés fueron puestos en línea en 1999, gracias al esfuerzo conjunto de los amigos del pueblo saharaui en Suiza y España. Dos años más tarde, sus despachos en idioma francés son vistos por primera vez en Internet. Con la inauguración de los servicios en español en 2001, inglés en 2003 y árabe en 2005, la SPS está, actualmente, disponible en cuatro idiomas: francés, español, inglés y árabe.
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