miércoles 12 de marzo de 2025
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Haiti confirms date for inauguration of newly-elected president

Port au Prince (LOOP): The Organization of American States (OAS) and the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe say Haitian authorities have confirmed their intent to maintain February 7, 2026, as the target date for the inauguration of a newly-elected president.

OAS said it continues its work to assist Haiti in developing the “enabling legal framework” for its next general elections in collaboration with the European Commission for Democracy through Law, known as the Venice Commission.
The Venice Commission is the Council of Europe’s advisory body on constitutional matters that provides legal advice to its member states and, in particular, assists states wishing to bring their legal and institutional structures into line with European standards and international experience in the fields of democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
The commission also helps to ensure the dissemination and consolidation of a common constitutional heritage, “playing a unique role in conflict management, and provides emergency constitutional aid to states in transition.”
“While participants discussed establishing intermediate steps toward this goal, all parties stressed that the re-establishment of security is a fundamental precondition for holding the referendum and the elections,” said a joint statement after a series of high-level meetings, from October 28 to 30, with a delegation from Haiti.
“These sessions focused on essential constitutional and legislative measures needed to facilitate future elections in Haiti,” the statement said. “Haitian authorities reiterated their call for international support, particularly through a United Nations peacekeeping mission, to assist in restoring safety and stability.”
In parallel plans to launch a national consultation on constitutional reform beginning November 7, 2024, with a draft constitution anticipated by the end of December.
The Venice Commission is scheduled to issue its final opinion in December 2024 on potential constitutional and legislative solutions for Haiti’s electoral processes.
“This opinion will address several areas discussed during the meetings, such as the stability of electoral institutions, gender equality in elections, youth representation, voting for Haitians abroad, electronic vote, party funding and formation, security conditions for voters and materials, and voting rights,” the statement said.

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Loop News, based in Kingston, Jamaica, is the number one source for Caribbean-wide, local and global content. Launched in 2014, it grew to have teams in six markets across the Caribbean: Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Haiti, Cayman and St Lucia. And in 2020 we launched the newest website in the Loop family – Loop Caribbean!
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