viernes 18 de octubre de 2024
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Pre-COP29 media workshop on effective communication strategies held in Baku     

Baku (Azertac): In anticipation of the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, scheduled to take place in Baku this November, the COP29 Presidency, in collaboration with the UN Office in Azerbaijan, organized a workshop focused on effective media communication strategies.

   The workshop aimed to provide local media with insight into the COP29 processes and to enhance local capacity to cover the climate conference.

   The event began with opening remarks from key stakeholders, highlighting the importance of media engagement in the lead-up to COP29. Following a brief introductory video titled “What is COP”, Alexander Saier, Head of Communications at the UNFCCC Secretariat, presented an overview of the UNFCCC process, as well as the organization’s expectations for COP29.

   During a panel discussion, COP29 Lead Negotiator Yalchin Rafiyev, Chair of the COP29 Azerbaijan Operating Company, Chief Operating Officer for COP29 Narmin Jarchalova, and Vladanka Andreeva, the UN Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan, engaged in an in-depth discussion on the COP29 Presidency’s priorities for enhancing ambition and enabling action.

   They centred their discussion on the necessary steps to turn the goals established by the Presidency into concrete outcomes. Discussing climate negotiations, panelists also addressed the host country’s contributions to achieving results, as well as the opportunities for Azerbaijan as host of COP29.

   Rafiyev remarked that states’ approach to the COP29 negotiation process has been constructive, instilling confidence in the prospect of achieving successful outcomes. He also stated that, while negotiations on climate finance are complex, the COP29 negotiating team continues to successfully bring states together and foster common positions through both formal and informal platforms.

   Jarchalova remarked that Azerbaijan has had a comparatively limited period of time to organize COP29. Nevertheless, she assured that the organization team is making all efforts to guarantee the event’s smooth and successful execution. She offered journalists detailed information on the advancement of the preparation process, along with insights into the activities taking place in the Green and Blue Zones at COP29.

   Highlighting the media’s role in addressing the climate crisis, Andreeva emphasized that media narratives can inform, inspire, and promote the urgent action required to address climate challenges. She added that journalists should amplify the voices of those most affected by climate change, including young people. By elevating these perspectives, the media can foster greater awareness, drive public discourse, and catalyze climate action.

   In a presentation on effective media engagement at COP29, Nigar Arpadarai, Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP29, noted that the impact of the COP process extends beyond environmental and climate issues, fundamentally shaping the economy of the future. In this context, she highlighted the media’s role in fostering public understanding of climate issues, emphasizing the importance of accurately reporting on the themes discussed at COP29.

  Jamala Aliyeva, Chief Adviser of the Work with NGOs and Communication Department of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Deputy of the COP29 Communication Group, delivered a presentation on “The Role of the Media in Crisis Communication”.

   She addressed effective communication strategies for potential crises and incidents, the media’s role in such situations, and the importance of collaboration with media outlets. Aliyeva emphasized that the distribution of accurate information by the media during crises plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of misinformation.

   Ayan Najaf, Coordination Board Member and Spokesperson for the COP29 Azerbaijan Operating Company, provided detailed information on the media services and facilities that will be available in the Green and Blue Zones during COP29. She outlined the infrastructure established for media engagement during the conference, along with the requisite accreditation procedures.

   The workshop is the 19th event in the initiative “29 Climate Conversations: The Road to COP29,” organized by the United Nations Office in Azerbaijan in the lead-up to COP29, also the third event held in partnership with PASHA Holding under this series.

Azertac (Azerbaijan State News Agency), founded in 1920, is a major news and information agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the only source of the official government news.

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