sábado 8 de marzo de 2025
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Agreement on political dialogue signed – but without Venâncio Mondlane

Maputo (AIM): Mozambican President Daniel Chapo and nine political parties signed in Maputo an agreement on an “inclusive national political dialogue”.

But absent from the signing ceremony was the most popular of Mozambique’s opposition politicians, former presidential candidate Venancio Mondlane.

He was addressing a crowd of thousands elsewhere in the city, and the Rapid Intervention Unit (UIR – the riot police), opened fire on Mondlane’s motocade, as if it were trying to sabotage Chapo.

The parties which signed the agreement included all those represented in the country’s parliament, the Assembly of the Republic – namely, the ruling Frelimo Party, the Optimistic Party for the Development of Mozambique (Podemos – which is now the official opposition), the former rebel movement Renamo, and the Mozambique Democratic Movement (MDM).

Thanks to its representation in the Gurue Municipal Assembly, in the central province of Zambezia province, Nova Democracia (ND – New Democracy) was also present.

The other four parties are tiny organisations which managed to win seats last October in Provincial Assemblies (PAs). These are Democratic Revolution (RD), a breakaway from Renamo, which holds six seats in the PA of Niassa; the Humanitarian Party of Mozambique (PAHUMO), with eight seats in the PA of Cabo Delgado; the Social Renovation Party (PARESO), with two seats in the PA of Inhambane; and the National Reconciliation Party (PARENA), which holds five seats in the PA of Gaza.

These results are puzzling. Nobody has yet explained how the virtually unknown PAHUMO could pick up eight seats in Cabo Delgado, but none at all in the neighbouring provinces. Or how PARENA could make a breakthrough in the Frelimo stronghold of Gaza, but nowhere else.

The document the parties signed consists of terms of reference for future discussions on such matters as overhauling the electoral legislation, decentralisation, and possible constitutional amendments.

Speaking on behalf of all the opposition parties, the President of Podemos, Albino Forquilha, said the envisaged dialogue should lead to “the reforms necessary for the stabilisation of Mozambique”.

There had been repeated crises following elections, he said. State institutions “have been incapable of establishing electoral justice”. “Only a frank and inclusive national dialogue can bring lasting political solutions”, said Forquilha, “and eliminate once and for all the cyclical instability and crises the country has faced”.

Calling for an end to the post-election unrest, he said “We cannot normalise the disturbance of public order, the disruption of the movement of people and goods, because this has a negative impact on the day-to-day life of our people. We need to end constant instability and crisis. We need to avoid any further human and material damage”.

That meant, Forquilha argued, that all political parties must be committed to reforming the discredited electoral legislation, and amending the constitution. This seems to be consensual among the parties, including Frelimo and Renamo.

But consensus among small parties may not be worth very much, if the main opposition player, Venancio Mondlane, is left out of the dialogue.

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Agencia de Informacion de Mozambique

Agencia de Informacion de Mozambique

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