domingo 23 de febrero de 2025
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Knowledge hub launched for 47th Caricom heads of government meeting

Georgetown (Caricom): The Caribbean Community Secretariat has launched an online knowledge hub to highlight key features and elements of the upcoming 47th Regular Meeting of the Conference of Caricom Heads of Government which will take place from 3 to 5 July in Grenada.

Declaración del Consejo de Relaciones Exteriores y Comunitarias sobre Cuba

Roseau (Caricom): El Consejo de Relaciones Exteriores y Comunitarias (Cofcor), de la Comunidad Caribeña (Caricom), acoge con satisfacción la decisión del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América (EE.UU.) de retirar a Cuba de su lista de Estados que “no están cooperando plenamente” en su lucha contra el terrorismo.


CARICOM: The Member States of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) reaffirm the importance of adherence to the principles of international law and rules of diplomatic engagement enshrined in the Vienna Convention which codifies the inviolability of diplomatic missions and consular offices.