lunes 16 de septiembre de 2024
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Making Dollars Make Sense!

Castries (The Voice): Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure are just that: statements of intent on how-much government plans or wishes to earn and spend, usually on the basis of also hopefully earning enough to spend.

CARICOM and Haiti over Time and History!

Castries (The Voice): The nations that form the Caribbean Community (Caricom) have demonstrated all manners of ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ leadership in the wider Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region that unites the two neighboring regions in the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac).

DANGER: Fooling-Around with Fake

Castries, Saint Lucia: I awoke early on April 1, informing selected friends and colleagues online: ‘Today marks my 48th unbroken year in journalism.’

April 1, 1976 was my first day on the job as Editor of ‘The Crusader’, one of the two major local weekly newspapers, an opposition voice that grew loud in the wilderness of pre-Independent Saint Lucia.

Global Water Can Die From Thirst!

Agua consumo Voces del Sur Global

Twenty-twenty three (2023) was not exactly a wet year for water. Instead, last year was the hottest year on record, a reflection of the acute changes haunting humankind in the 21st Century, accelerating faster everywhere than ever before.

Why are the world’s richest nations so interested in dirt-poor

Haití pobreza Voces del Sur Global

While the suspense continues and Haitians continue living in limbo, Washington is again using its age-old carrot-and-stick Monroe Doctrine policy approach to its treatment of Haiti, the Caribbean and Latin America, always seen as within US sphere of influence and security interest, in the territorial waters of ‘America’s Backyard’.