viernes 14 de marzo de 2025
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Caricom’s Group of Eminent Persons in Haiti to mediate in crisis

Port Au Prince (T&T Guardian) The authorities in Haiti welcomed the Group of Eminent Persons (GPE) of the Caribbean Community (Caricom), composed of the former Prime Ministers: Kenny Anthony of Saint Lucia, Bruce Golding of Jamaica and Perry Christie of the Bahamas, who will all mediate in the crisis gripping this French Speaking Caricom member state.

   The GPE comes to follow “the progress in the establishment of the transitional bodies,” said President of the Transitional Council (CPT), Edgard Leblanc.

   He said the delegation will remain here until August 16, and added that some organizations have already begun to form the National Conference and establish the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP).

   The National Conference will include actors from all horizons, who will debate problems related to the interests of the nation.

   In May 2023 Caribbean Community leaders appointed the three former prime ministers as members of an Eminent Persons Group (EPG) as the regional integration grouping seeks to extend its good offices to the government of Haiti and other Haitian stakeholders.

   “The group will initiate and oversee the community’s provision of good office support in designated priority areas, including security, governance, the electoral process, and long-term development planning and advocacy. They will also liaise with key international partners and agencies,” the secretariat then said.

   A technical team, comprised of experts from Caricom member states, the Caricom Secretariat and regional specialized agencies is also supporting the group.

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