miércoles 12 de marzo de 2025
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It’s Back-to-Business in the Bolivarian Republic!    

Castries (The Voice): Never mind the huffing-and-puffing in opposition circles at home and abroad, a fortnight after the July 28 presidential elections, Venezuela continues quickly returning to normal after yet-another failure to hound President Nicolas Maduro out of office.

By Earl Bousquet

   Peace has returned to the streets of Caracas, the National Assembly has met, new laws are being passed, the Supreme Court is reviewing elections -and more nations continue renewing their diplomatic ties, including the Vatican.

   Washington continues to give succour to yet-to-be-proven claims by Opposition Leader Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia and his ultra-right-wing alliance that Maduro and the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) ‘stole’ the election, recognizing him as an ‘alternative president’ -appointed by The White House.

   While the declared losers continue to fret in cold war-sweat abroad, the new administration has been exposing an ongoing coordinated cyber war against Maduro and Venezuela, alongside a thwarted plan to create electricity blackouts in eight states -part of a rolling plan to ultimately prevent or delay electronic communication of results before and on Election Day.

   But even though the arrested plotters paraded on TV confessed who paid them and how much (US $150 per day), on July 28, while voters voted, a hurricane of cyber hack-attacks targeted at least ten-each of entities associated with the Government, PSUV and the National Electoral Council (CNE).

   Venezuela also revealed use of ‘bot farms’ involving dissemination of millions of messages, through thousands of cell phones, to propagate opposition messages ahead of, during and after the election -one involving over 30 million hits and slowing-down transmission of results on Election Day.

   Caracas has also exposed coordinated efforts by major online information traffickers -including platforms belonging to Elon Musk (X), Bloomberg, BBC, CNN, Fox and CBC, etc.  -while Edison, a US-based firm with a long record of overt and covert cooperation with official US agencies, provided confusing and illegal ‘exit polls’ throughout Election Day, all claiming Gonzalez was leading Maduro.

   Among the first acts of the new National Assembly were bills for discussion of new laws outlawing the fascism that led to the death of 25 PSUV activists and President Maduro signed National Cybersecurity Commission to investigate the ongoing hack attacks and other cyber-based violations of institutional order.

   While Gonzalez and his backers in Washington, Canada and London continue to seek international support for a case they haven’t even started to prove, President Maduro filed a formal request for the republic’s Supreme Court of Justice to investigate the results announced by the CNE.

   The court summoned all parties and former candidates to submit their figures for assessment by its Electoral Chamber and 33 of 38 parties and nine out of ten candidates attended the hearings earlier this week -all, except Gonzalez and the parties he represents.

   Nonetheless, even while Washington and the opposition don’t recognize and indeed disrespect Venezuela’s law and institutions, the Supreme Court’s decision will be final.

   While Gonzalez and his overseas backers and financiers continue to point to Brazil, Colombia and Mexico also seeking clarifications about results, Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has said that Washington has no role interfering in Venezuela’s internal elections.

   Maduro has indicated Venezuela will formally meet with Brazil, Colombia and Mexico’s leaders to address their concerns, while the anti-Venezuela ‘Lima Group’ at the Washington-based Organization of American States (OAS) continues to fail to find ways to join the imperial post-election plot by mobilizing it to take a united position against Venezuela.

   Gonzalez et al continue to reject Maduro’s pre-election invitation to post-election political dialogue among parties, but as seen in their attendance at the Supreme Court, all parties other than the five with Gonzalez prefer a peaceful end to the post-election conflict imposed by his handlers and supporters after being declared losers in a peaceful election.

   Peace has returned to the streets of Caracas and the security forces have rounded-up those who had roles in the death of 25 persons killed (but never reported by the international press) in the post-election violence unleashed by Gonzalez’ supporters, after false poll results were released on Election Day.

   The paid goon squads attacked government schools and universities, hospitals and health centers, food distribution centers, political and electoral offices and other state entities and pulled down national symbols, including statues of Simon Bolivar and Hugo Chavez, as well as religious statues, cheered online by Elon Musk on his X platform.

   Most of those detained and charged have criminal records and none voted -and all were paid by anti-Maduro forces.

   Unable to gain traction or attraction at home, Gonzalez and his backers have called for anti-Maduro rallies ‘around-the-world’ this weekend, to hopefully farm enough cannon fodder for their ongoing media and cyber wars against the Chavistas re-elected to continue governing the Bolivarian Republic.

   The usual suspects at Musk’s X, YouTube, Tik-Tok and other platforms this week pulled-down a channel operated by PSUV Vice President Diosdado Cabello (after congratulating him for reaching 100,000 viewers) and President Maduro’s Tik-Tok account was also downed for forwarding ‘violent images’ downloaded from the same (Tik-Tok) platform.

   Vanquished again, the Venezuela bashers abroad are hastily-changing from foiled plans to far-fetched plots.

   But it’s back to business in Caracas, where voters opted to continue trusting an administration that successfully defended the country’s sovereignty through 31 elections in 25 years, despite 936 US-led sanctions in 2024, when the national economy is ticking again -even though president Maduro has been ticked-off by Tik-Tok.

   Meanwhile, this weekend, friends of Venezuela and defenders of the Bolivarian Revolution in Barbados, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines and other Caribbean Community (Caricom) member-states will on Saturday (August 17) host solidarity activities supporting Venezuela and condemning external interference in its internal affairs.

   The pro-Venezuela activities will also coincide with the 137th anniversary of Marcus Garvey, the legendary Jamaican and Caribbean hero who paved the way for the modern struggle for recognition and respect for people of African Descent worldwide.


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Periódico nacional de Santa Lucía desde 1885. Con sede en Castries, trata temas políticos, económicos, culturales y deportivos. También aborda asuntos del Caribe y el mundo, en sentido general.
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