martes 19 de noviembre de 2024
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Honduras: Injerencia de EEUU pretende sabotear elecciones

Tegucigalpa (El Libertador) La precandidata del Partido Libertad y Refundación (Libre), Rixi Moncada, realizó una conferencia de prensa para hablar sobre las decisiones del actual Gobierno de suspender el tratado de extradición con Estados Unidos por sus injerencias en temas nacionales, así como el complot de un golpe de Estado y el sabotaje a las próximas elecciones.

International Day of People of African Descent

Washington (PAHO) In commemoration of the International Day of People of African Descent (August 31), the Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, calls on countries of the Americas to promote, protect, and respect the rights of people of African descent, including their right to health.

Trinidad & Tobago: ‘Put the Columbus statue in a museum’

Port of Spain (Daily Express) Put the statue of Christopher Columbus in a museum where it belongs. This was one of the sentiments expressed by several members of the public during the first public consultation of the Cabinet-appointed committee to review the placements of statues, monuments and signage in Trinidad and Tobago.

Why the Media Won’t Report the Truth About Trump

Washington (The Intercept) Over the last few years, as it grew increasingly likely that Donald Trump would mount a third campaign for the White House, leading press critics and others in the media vowed that this time had to be different. The press couldn’t fail in its coverage of Trump once again.

Riunita a Chengdu la Belt and Road News Network

Roma (FarodiRoma) La Belt and Road News Network (BRNN) fu lanciata in risposta alla proposta di “costruire una rete di notizie” avanzata dal presidente cinese Xi Jinping in occasione del 1° Belt and Road Forum (BRF) per la cooperazione internazionale nel 2017.