sábado 8 de febrero de 2025
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West, not Russia, to blame for blocking work of UN bodies

United Nations (TASS): Russia is not responsible for blocking the work of United Nations bodies and the blame for this must be placed squarely on the West, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the 79th UN General Assembly session.

   «The unprecedented level of arrogance and aggressiveness of Western policies towards Russia not only reduces to nothing the very idea of global cooperation being promoted by the UN Secretary-General, but also increasingly impedes the operation of the entire system of global governance, including the UN Security Council,» Lavrov said.

   «It is not our choice and it is not us who will bear the consequences of such a dangerous course,» he added.

   He drew attention to the fact that the West, in pursuing its policy of hegemonism, continues to escalate confrontation, the consequences of which can be felt by the whole world.

   «It is nakedly clear to the world majority that confrontation and hegemonism will not resolve any global problem,» he pointed out. «If the West does not stop, the dire effects of this will be felt by all.»

   The collective West, Lavrov summarized, «artificially restrain the objective emergence of a multipolar world order, which will be based on the equality of rights of large and small nations, respect for the individual, the equality of men and women, and the right of peoples to determine their own destiny.»

   «The same applies to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states. A confirmation of this principle, to the disgrace of members of our organization, was blocked by the United States and its minions at the Summit of the Future in adopting the relevant pact,» he added.

    He also said that the UN Secretariat should not stay aloof from establishing the truth about the act of sabotage against the Nord Stream gas pipelines and the provocation in Bucha.

   «We understand that the Americans always deny everything and will do everything this time again to sweep under the carpet the facts that have come to light, just as they did in response to irrefutable evidence of their involvement in the terrorist attacks against the Nord Stream pipelines,» he said.

   «The West is also responsible for obfuscating the truth about the organizers of many other heinous crimes, including the bloody provocation in the Kiev suburb of Bucha in April 2022 and a series of poisonings of Russian citizens in Britain and Germany.

   The Secretariat cannot afford to stay an idle onlooker in pursuit of the truth in situations directly affecting global security, and in doing so it is obliged to adhere to Article 100 of the [UN] Charter impeccably, to act impartially, and to avoid the temptation to play into the hands of individual states.»

   The Russian foreign minister remarked that such connivance was especially unacceptable with regard to those «who openly call not for cooperation, but for splitting the world into a blossoming garden and a jungle, or into those who dine at the democratic table and who find themselves on the menu.»

   On September 26, 2022, unprecedented damage was caused to three strings of the Nord Stream gas carrier and the never commissioned Nord Stream 2. As Lavrov noted, Moscow had no doubt that the explosions of the Nord Streams had been staged with support from the United States.

   The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office opened criminal proceedings over an act of international terrorism.

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