miércoles 12 de marzo de 2025
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Estrategia de UE podría afectar al Sur Global, afirma Oxfam

Bruselas (Prensa Latina): La actual estrategia inversionista de la Unión Europea (UE) estimula la privatización de infraestructuras y servicios públicos en el Sur Global y amenaza con elevar la carga de la deuda, advirtió una organización internacional.

Why the Media Won’t Report the Truth About Trump

Washington (The Intercept) Over the last few years, as it grew increasingly likely that Donald Trump would mount a third campaign for the White House, leading press critics and others in the media vowed that this time had to be different. The press couldn’t fail in its coverage of Trump once again.

Democrats Abandoned Their Anti-Death Penalty Stance

Chicago, Illinois (The Intercept) When the Rev. Al Sharpton took the stage to introduce members of the Exonerated Five on the last night of the Democratic National Convention, it was, for the briefest moment, a nod toward a reality that the DNC had otherwise aggressively avoided: the myriad injustices of our criminal legal system.