viernes 14 de febrero de 2025
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Preliminary results of presidential election: Abdelmadjid Tebboune re-elected

Algiers (APS): Abdelmadjid Tebboune was re-elected President of the Republic, winning 5,329,253 votes, 94.65% of the votes cast, following the presidential election that took place Saturday, according to the preliminary results announced Sunday by the President of the National Independent Authority for Elections (ANIE), Mohamed Charfi.

He was followed by the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP) candidate, Abdelaali Hassani Cherif, who received 178,797 votes (3.17%) and the candidate of the Front of Socialist Forces (FFS), Youcef Aouchiche, who received 122,146 votes (2.16%).
Charfi, said that the number of votes cast during the presidential election reached 5,630,196 votes, highlighting that this voter turnout underscored the Algerian people’s electoral maturity.
During a press conference to present the preliminary results, Charfi stressed that “ANIE is committed to ensure fair competition among the three candidates and maintain impartiality, and to safeguard voters’ freedom in electing their preferred candidate to lead the country and preserve the supreme interest of the homeland.”
On this occasion, Charfi expressed his “satisfaction with the high voter turnout.”
He said that it carried “two key points, namely the integrity and transparency of the entire electoral process. Also, it sends a clear message to domestic and international observers that the Algerian people have attained a high degree of electoral maturity,” with a view to preserving the supreme interest of Algeria, especially since this election took place in light of “a turbulent international and regional climate, thus urging national unity,” he added.
Commenting on the electoral campaign, Charfi said that it proceeded smoothly, despite “a few isolated negative incidents that did not affect the electoral process,” he pointed out.
He also provided some figures related to the electoral campaign, indicating that 1,521 public gatherings and 5,168 local meetings were held by the three candidates and their campaign managers or representatives.
Charfi further applauded the efforts of the People’s National Army and security institutions, which professionally and expertly secured the electoral process.
He also expressed his appreciation for the media personnel for their fair and unbiased media coverage of this event, praising their commitment to the code of ethics and professionalism.

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Agencia de Noticias Argelina

Agencia de Noticias Argelina

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