miércoles 26 de marzo de 2025
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Statement from CARICOM on the Action by Israel to prevent UNRWA from Providing Humanitarian Assistance to Palestinian Refugees

CARICOM November 8,2024, Georgetown (CARICOM): The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) expresses grave concern about the vote taken by the Israeli Knesset on Monday 28 October, 2024 to prohibit the humanitarian assistance provided to the people of Palestine by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestine Refugees in the Near East .

The Israeli action is a violation of International Law and the United Nations Charter.
The protection of civilians and the respect for human rights in all circumstances is sacrosanct.
CARICOM calls on Israel to allow the UNRWA to continue to operate within the framework of UN General Assembly mandate 302 (IV) of 18 December 1949 in providing essential humanitarian services to Palestinian refugees in areas controlled by Israel, notably in Occupied Palestinian Territory, including the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
Further, CARICOM reiterates its call for a permanent cease fire and the immediate release of hostages and the provision of humanitarian support for all civilians affected by the military action in Gaza and other affected areas.
The Caribbean Community remains steadfast in support of efforts towards a two-state solution within secure borders.

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CARICOM is the oldest surviving integration movement in the developing world. It is a grouping of twenty countries: fifteen Member States and five Associate Members.
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