miércoles 12 de marzo de 2025
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UN World Food Programme closes office in Southern Africa due to funding

Africanews March 5, 2025, Johannesburg (Africanews): TheWorld Food Programme (WFP) of the United Nations, which relies heavily onfunding fromthe United States, announced that it will be shutting down its southernAfrican office due to financial limitations.

Typically, the U.S. contributes nearly half of WFP’ sannual donations, but it is currently reducing foreign aid contracts globally as part of President Donald Trump’s «America First» policy.
Tomson Phiri, a regional spokesperson, indicated that the agency will merge it eastern and southernAfrican operations, managing both from Nairobi.
He assured that this change would not impact the ongoing country operations in SouthernAfrica, where WFP is assisting millions affected by drought.
Phiri emphasized the aim to maximize resources for frontline teams by making every dollar count.
He refrained from linking the decisión directly to Trump’s cuts in aid, onlys tating that «the donor funding outlook has become more constrained.»
The Trump administration iscutting over 90% of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s foreign aid contracts, totaling more than $58 billion in overall U.S. assistance worldwide

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Africa News Agency

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