martes 25 de marzo de 2025
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Upcoming CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting will assess rapidly-changing global landscape

Georgetown (CARICOM): CARICOM Secretary-General, Carla Barnett, saidthatHeads of Governmentwillassesschallengesarising in therapidlychanging global contextwhentheymeet in Barbados from 19-21 February 2025 forthe 48th Regular Meeting of the Conference.

In a messageahead of the Meeting, BarnettstatedthattheCommunitywillseek to devisesolutionsthatadvance regional integration and economic and social development.

TheSecretary-General saidthat CARICOM Chair, Prime Minister Mia Mottley of Barbados, will lead discussionsontheprogressbeingmadeonareascritical to oursurvival and growth, such as climatechange, food and nutritionsecurity, transportation and the free movement of CARICOM nationals in theRegion.

Shenotedthatthetheme of the meeting, “Strength in Unity: ForgingCaribbeanResilience, Inclusive Growth and SustainableDevelopment,” reflectsCARICOM’sawarenessthatitsgainswereunderthreat.

“Thisfocusreflectsourawarenessthatgains in economicintegration, foreignpolicycoordination, and human and social development are underthreatfromclimatechange, crime and violence, and increasing global instability.”

CARICOM’s response, sheadded, requirescoordination, collaboration, and partnerships.

Heads of Governmentwillwelcomedistinguishedguests, including UN Secretary-General AntónioGuterres and EuropeanCommissionPresident, Ursula von der Leyen.

Therewillalso be exchangeswithrepresentativesfrom civil society, labor, theprivate sector, and youth, whoseperspectives are vital fortheRegion’seconomicstability and prosperity, theSecretary-General said.

“Ourobjectivewill be to ensurethat, as we plan, ouractions are strategic, meaningful and beneficial to allthecitizens of theCaribbeanCommunity,” Barnettstated.

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CARICOM is the oldest surviving integration movement in the developing world. It is a grouping of twenty countries: fifteen Member States and five Associate Members.
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